
We are one month into a new year, which means it might be time to check in with our subscribers, those who we keep in touch with via email newsletters. With the constant state of change, such as people moving companies and even industries, your email list may already be out of date, having degraded by more than 20%. Are you getting new subscribers as well as keeping the ones you have? Read on about how to engage and maintain subscribers and keep your email distribution list in good shape.

Avoid Bounces in Your Email List

There are numerous ways to enhance your email list. One is to go through and eliminate any email addresses with a “bounce,” which means they have been returned as undeliverable. Look at any recipients who have addresses they no longer use, or former subscribers who have simply changed their email address. Once the list is trimmed, seek to gain new contacts, whether in person (trade shows, conferences, networking events) or online, with a subscribe button on your website and also through social media.

Make it Easy to Subscribe

Consider ways to get potential customers to opt-in. Does your website give people an opportunity to connect with you and get their email addresses on your list? Be sure to put opportunities on the “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages on your website, and on any social media platforms you use. Serve up interesting content, offers or promotions that interest your subscribers. Even better, look beyond current subscribers to potential ones, and inspire your current contacts with content they can forward to others. Such content can include free resources such as white papers. Promotions are another fine idea, but sales pitches should be kept to a minimum. When you do ask for opt-in information keep it to a minimum. The more you ask for the less likely your visitors will turn into subscribers.

Your Email List Should be About Quality not Quantity

To keep your subscribers engaged, focus on both content and the quality of your list. Be sure to publish good, original content regularly, that will keep your “unsubscribe” rate down to less than 1%. To keep your bounce rate down to less than ten percent, make the quality of your list the focus, rather than how many people are on it. Avoid purchasing email lists, that contain possible spam addresses and spam traps. Maintaining your list is a good way to get accurate metrics and to know who you are reaching.

There are a number of ways to keep your subscribers engaged, and to obtain new customers. Contact ClikCloud today to learn more about fine-tuning your email lists and our email list cleaning services.

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