
According to a recent article, some broad trends in digital marketing are emerging for 2020. Customers will expect a more interactive, immediate and secure experience online. Read on to learn how to tailor your digital marketing to these customer needs.

Start the Conversation with Great Content

Content–what you put on your website as your brand–is one of the most important parts of digital marketing. Content that is well-written (including grammatically correct, of course), original and engaging, will make visitors take notice of your company. Think of your webpage as a virtual storefront. It represents your brand, so it should be high quality. Start with content that is relevant to your customers and with which they can interact. Depending on what is appropriate to your business, consider quizzes, polls, live chat and videos. In your blog posts, include a clear call-to-action–for example, subscribing to an email newsletter. Content that is more traditional, such as white papers, can also enhance your brand. Don’t forget to optimize your website with on-page search engine optimization (SEO), making it easy for visitors to find just what they are looking for. 

Keep the Conversation Going by Making Your Website Interactive

According to Forbes, “advanced technology created an environment where people expect speedy solutions and quick turnaround.” WIth this need for fast problem solving, conversational marketing will become more important. For instance, live chat can be a way for customers to get in touch right away, asking questions and making comments. Social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn gives a read on what your customers like and don’t like and what interests them. This input, right from the source, can help improve your company’s brand.

Build Trust in the Conversation by Keeping Data Secure

Another expectation of customers, besides a fast and responsive website, is security. If they know their data is secure in transactions with your website, they will keep visiting. Rules such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act seek to keep customers’ data safe in an era of increased data. On the other hand, when customers feel their data is unsafe on your site they are unlikely to visit again. In 2020 and beyond, more data breaches are expected, and your customers need to know that they can trust you to safeguard their personal information.

More than ever, your website, along with other facets of digital marketing, will be key in representing your company well, and getting and keeping customers. Contact ClikCloud for help with your digital marketing strategy. 

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