
Even one month into the new year, it’s not too late to resolve to improve your email marketing results in 2020 and beyond. You can start by tuning up your email list, to reach both new and current subscribers. Read on to learn more about refining your efforts by keeping your email list in tip-top shape.

Make a Custom Email List

The best way to populate your email list is to include addresses of people you already know–colleagues, people you meet at business and social networking events, even family and friends. When attending networking events, get the business cards of everyone you meet (be sure to bring your own, too), to reach out to these people later. Feel free to mention your website and newsletter to those who may be interested, and get the other’s email address. While lists of addresses can be purchased, sending to these addresses could open you to the possibility of bounced emails, spam and even put you out of compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. 

Examine Email Marketing Metrics to Gauge Reach

How do you know you are engaging your audience with your content? Service providers can give you statistics, like email bounce and email unsubscribe rates and, on the positive side, email open and click-through rates. The latter refers to when an email subscriber takes action on your email, say by clicking a link. Ideally, the email bounce rate (those email addresses coming back as undeliverable), should be less than 10%. This indicates the email address might have been typed incorrectly or is out of date. Unsubscribe rates are ideally less than 1%; any higher and your content may not be engaging readers. This can lead to reassessing your content. 

Resolve to improve your email marketing reach. Contact ClikCloud today for assistance in assessing and tailoring your strategy. 

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