
Imagine if your business had a cost-effective and flexible way of accessing data, applications, and unified communications, without the maintenance and management of on-premise equipment. Read on to learn more about benefits and considerations of this service delivery model.

Benefits of Using Software as a Service

Software as a service, or SaaS, is becoming increasingly more common, with an average expenditure increasing at 78% between 2017 and 2018, according to Forbes magazine. This cloud-based delivery model is one in which companies can  adopt an economical, ready-to-go approach to accessing the latest technology. The software is managed and maintained by a provider, reducing a company’s need to buy, implement and maintain on-premise infrastructure. With SaaS, rapid deployment of applications–Unified Communications, call center, chat, and more–is possible, all using a unified web-based interface. All that a business needs to have is Internet access and a web browser.

From a cost standpoint, a business can pay a provider a monthly or annual subscription, rather than investing a large sum up front. Not only that, the capital expense of on-premise infrastructure is converted to an operating expense that can be spread out over a longer period of time. This allows businesses to focus on innovation and long-term company strategy.

What to Consider before SaaS Adoption

Even with the benefits of SaaS, individual companies need to assess whether it is the right option. Often, small companies with straightforward operations and which are looking to cut costs, benefit the most from a SaaS model. For those businesses that do opt for SaaS, further considerations exist. For instance, is the network robust enough to handle additional traffic? Are there any weak links that would allow cyber attacks? Is your company subject to industry regulations like HIPAA or PCI-DSS? If your company is responsible to protect customer or patient information, on-premise systems or a private cloud environment might better suit your needs.

Software as a Service can be a flexible, cost-effective option, allowing your business the freedom to work toward bigger goals. If you need assistance in determining whether you can benefit from SaaS, and need a diagnostic check of your network, contact your technology advisor today.