
Your email newsletter is an important component of your digital marketing plan, and you need a quality list of email recipients. Read on to learn about maintaining a list that is healthy and complies with data protection regulations.


Begin and Maintaining a Quality Subscriber List


It goes almost without saying that you have content you want to share, probably via a regular email newsletter. How is your list? Does it contain emails for people you’ve met while doing business? The best email list consists of people you’ve interacted with, instead of questionable addresses from a purchased list. Purchased lists might be filled with incorrect or out of date addresses, resulting in “bounces” (returned emails) or in the message being put in spam folders. Quality content, delivered to valid email addresses, can get you opens and click-throughs, showing you that readers are engaging with your content. Another practice to keep your list healthy is going through it regularly to delete any addresses that are out of date or from recipients who have unsubscribed (it happens). Keeping your email list healthy and emphasizing quality over quantity will also help your company comply with data protection regulations.


Maintain Compliance with Data Regulations


Even if your company is based in the United States, some of your workers and contacts might be in Europe. In this case, you will need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Passed in May of 2018, GDPR requires proof of consent of your recipients to receive content, and requires strict protection of customer data. In the United States, the CCPA regulates the storage and use of personal data. Maintaining your email contacts list with people you know, instead of buying premade lists, will help you be certain to be in compliance with any regulations.


Even if you don’t yet have an extensive contact list, it is important to keep it in good shape. For assistance with your email list, contact us today.