
Marketing DollarLet’s face it, if you want to survive in the Tech industry, you need to digitally transform your business–from automated service and billing to digitally transforming your sales and marketing process. According to a recent white paper by IDC, Building a Cloud Practice: Sales, Marketing and Business Strategy, Digital media is the most efficient source for Cloud leads.

Is Your Website a Lead Generation Machine or a Wayback Time Machine?

According to IDC, “If your website is still languishing in the last decade, it is time for a refresh.” It takes more than an updated look and feel and quality content to be successful. Consider adding landing pages highlighting offers and other assets that will engage your visitors. IDC offers some examples, including a quick online cloud readiness assessment, or a half-hour phone consultation for prospects who answer a short questionnaire. All of these activities help move buyers along the sales cycle and allow you to collect valuable insights about your prospects.

Go for Quality, Not Quantity, When it Comes to Lead Generation

There are plenty of ways to drive traffic to your website. Programs include Google Adwords, Search Engine Optimization and Link Building, Email Marketing and Social Media. If targeted, these programs can drive cost-effective, quality visitors to your website. Which marketing channel gives you the most bang for your buck?  According to a study by Innovative Retail Technologies, Email Marketing will bring the most visitors, while Organic Search will convert at twice the rate. According to the study, Social has the highest bounce rate of any channel. If you start with a quality list of personal contacts, you may find email to be the most cost-effective method due to the high volume and low cost considerations.

Experts Use Email Marketing to do the Right Thing at the Right Time

It may take 5 – 10 marketing interactions to turn a suspect into a prospect. It may take another 20+ interactions to convert a qualified sales lead to become a customer. “I know many of our newsletter subscribers don’t always open it or read every article, because everyone is busy,” acknowledges Jim Pulver, President of TeleManagement Pros. “Our newsletter service goes out the last week of each month and keeps us ‘top of mind.’ I know this because we get calls back a day or two after the newsletter goes out.” In many cases, prospects respond to email marketing to schedule follow-on appointments, to discuss important projects, or make referrals because they are reminded of your brand value through email marketing.

Is Your Email List Your Most Important Market Asset?

Your Email list doesn’t need to be big to be effective. A purchased list of several thousand names, including SPAM traps, alias emails, and addresses that hard bounce, may do more harm than good. You can easily find your company blacklisted if you don’t practice permission-based email marketing. A quality list of personal contacts including customers, partners and prospects may get an open rate of 30% or more if used responsibly. Combining quality content with a quality list will get you the results you are looking for. “We always update our data based on contacts–new and current opportunities. Keeping our lists current is a key priority,” according to Pulver.

Marketing your MSP, Telco or CSP practice doesn’t need to break the bank, but it does take a disciplined approach to get results. By sticking with proven and targeted activities, you can make your MSP, Telco and CSP marketing budget go further.