
What a year it’s been! With the pandemic pushing rapid changes in how businesses operate (e.g., more remote workers), a company’s IT infrastructure and applications need to be nimble, responsive and secure in the face of increasing demand for digital transformation. Read on to learn more about trends associated with this shift.


How the Pandemic Impacts Your Technology Investment


Companies  have been forced to move quickly this year. The ongoing pandemic  has both required a shift to increasing digitalization, and shown the companies that have shifted that it’s possible to be resilient in a crisis. This event has shown the need for agility and responsiveness, and has helped companies refine approaches to doing business digitally. According to an IDC report, 65% of global GDP is expected to become digitized in the next few years, with $6.8 billion of IT spending allocated to the endeavor. The pandemic has not kept digital growth from happening, but rather has accelerated it. Many companies are expected to put in place a mechanism for shifting their infrastructure to the cloud by late next year. Edge computing, wherein the data is processed close to the people who need to use it, is driven by changes that the pandemic has brought, including a growing remote work force. Moving to the Cloud and digitizing operations will give businesses the security, responsiveness and agility they need to remain competitive. 


Resilient and Adaptable Technology is  Key to Success


Let’s face it, the pandemic has ushered us into a new world. Though there may be growing pains, not all changes are adverse. Companies that have adapted to changes–more remote work, for instance–are in a position to use this flexibility to adjust to an increasingly digital economy. According to the report, IDC predicts that “In 2022, companies focused on digital resiliency will adapt to disruption and extend services to respond to new conditions 50% faster than ones fixated on restoring existing business/IT resiliency levels.” One trend predicted companies will put a mechanism in place to shift to cloud-centric infrastructure and applications twice as fast as before the pandemic.


This year and the coming ones have brought, and will continue to bring, great change. Those companies that have adapted stand ready to be resilient in the new year and beyond. To ensure your company is one of them, contact us today.